科学技术的不断进步和互联网的普及,让电子商务行业迅速崛起,成为21世纪的时代特征。自从1965年“人脸识别”这一概念被提出来,到今天只有几十年的时间,但是其应用领域十分广阔,深入我们生活的方方面面,对人类生活的影响很深远,把我们带入“刷脸”时代。在电子商务行业人脸识别技术同样被广泛的运用,其被运用于电子商务的在线支付、身份识别、登录认证等,人脸识别给电子商务行业带来安全和便捷的同时也给我们带来了一些伦理问题。文章首先对人脸识别技术进行简单介绍,然后阐释人脸识别技术在电子商务领域中的运用,接着分析其在电子商务运用中引发的主要伦理问题,最后针对这些问题提出了有效的应对策略。With the continuous progress of science and technology and the popularization of the Internet, the rapid rise of e-commerce industry has become a characteristic of the 21st century. Since the concept of “face recognition” was put forward in 1965, it has only been a few decades since today, but its application field is very broad, in-depth in all aspects of our lives, and has a far-reaching impact on human life, bringing us into the era of “face recognition”. In the e-commerce industry, face recognition technology is also widely used, which is used in e-commerce online payment, identity identification, login authentication, etc. Face recognition brings security and convenience to the e-commerce industry, but also brings us some ethical issues. This paper first introduces the face recognition technology briefly, then explains the application of face recognition technology in the field of e-commerce, then analyzes the main ethical problems caused by its application in e-commerce, and finally puts forward effective countermeasures for these problems.