就业是最大的民生,农村电子商务的发展为农户高质量就业提供了契机。本文以农村电子商务为研究对象,旨在深入探讨其对农户就业质量提升的机理和困境,并提出农村电子商务提升农户就业质量的对策建议。研究内容主要聚焦于农村电子商务对农户就业质量的直接影响和间接影响。直接影响体现在农村电子商务为农户提供了更多就业机会,拓展了就业渠道,促进了创业创新;间接影响体现在农村电子商务推动了农村产业升级和转型,进而提高了农户的就业质量和农业经济效益。本研究旨在揭示农村电子商务发展对农户就业质量的影响机制,以期为促进农户就近就业创业,实现农村经济的可持续发展和农村居民生活水平的提高,也为相关研究提供一定的参考。Employment is the most important livelihood issue. The development of rural e-commerce provides an opportunity for high-quality employment for rural households. This paper takes rural e-commerce as the research object, aiming to explore its mechanism and challenges in promoting the employment quality of rural households, and proposing countermeasures to promote the sustainable development of rural e-commerce. The research mainly focuses on the direct and indirect impacts of rural e-commerce on the employment quality of rural households. The direct impact is reflected in rural e-commerce providing more employment opportunities for rural households, expanding employment channels, and promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. The indirect impact is reflected in rural e-commerce driving rural industrial upgrading and transformation, improving employment quality, and economic benefits. The research aims to reveal the impact mechanism of rural e-commerce development on the employment quality of rural households, in order to promote rural employment and entrepreneurship, realize sustainable rural economic development, improve the living standards of farmers, and provide reference for relevant parties.