随着全球经济一体化和信息技术的飞速发展,数字经济无疑已经成为全球贸易的重要组成部分。而电子商务作为数字经济中规模最大、表现最活跃的主要动能,必然在国家经济发展与国际间经济往来中扮演着关键角色。在我国“一带一路”倡议的背景下,中非双方在经贸、科技、文化等领域的合作程度不断加深,合作水平不断提高。本文旨在探讨中非电子商务合作的发展现状、挑战与机遇,通过案例分析、数据对比及政策解读,深入分析中非电子商务合作的发展路径和重要意义。通过分析当前中非电子商务合作的广阔前景和风险挑战,研究现有对策和未来设想,以促进中非跨境电商在多领域的合作深化。通过搭建对话平台、共研合作政策、加强人才培养等路径,以实现共商共建、互利共赢。With the rapid advancement of global economic integration and information technology, the digital economy has undeniably emerged as a crucial component of international trade. As the largest and most dynamic driving force within this realm, e-commerce is poised to play a pivotal role in national economic development and international exchanges. In the context of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, cooperation between China and Africa across various sectors—including economy, trade, science and technology, and culture—has deepened significantly, with continuous improvements in collaborative efforts. This paper seeks to examine the current status, challenges, and opportunities surrounding China-Africa e-commerce collaboration while analyzing its developmental trajectory and significance through case studies, data comparisons, and policy interpretations. By investigating both the expansive prospects as well as potential risks associated with contemporary China-Africa e-commerce partnerships, we aim to identify existing countermeasures alongside future strategies that can facilitate enhanced cross-border e-commerce cooperation between these regions. Through establishing dialogue platforms, jointly formulating cooperative policies, and strengthening personnel training initiatives, we aspire to achieve extensive consultation processes that foster joint construction for mutual benefit leading to win-win outcomes.