据记载,靖州县拥有2000多年的杨梅栽培历史,被誉为“中国杨梅之乡”。“梅农”们凭借深厚情感和精湛技艺,代代相传并优化种植技术,使得靖州县的杨梅产业得到蓬勃发展。近年来,随着电子商务和大数据技术的快速发展,靖州杨梅产业迎来了新的机遇。电子商务平台的兴起不仅拓宽了杨梅的销售渠道,使产品能够迅速触达全国乃至全球市场,也提升了销售效率。同时,大数据技术通过对市场趋势和消费者行为的深入分析,为杨梅产业提供了精准的生产和销售指导。在乡村振兴战略的背景下,靖州杨梅产业作为当地的支柱产业,其转型升级对于促进农村经济发展、提高农民收入具有重要意义。研究靖州杨梅产业在大数据与电子商务融合背景下的发展路径,有助于推动产业升级,提升杨梅的品质和市场竞争力,进一步拓宽市场,提升品牌价值,为乡村振兴注入强劲动力。As recorded, Jingzhou County boasts a history of waxberry cultivation spanning over 2000 years and is renowned as the “Hometown of Chinese Waxberry.” With deep affection and exquisite skills, the “waxberry farmers” have handed down and refined the planting techniques from generation to generation, contributing to the thriving waxberry industry in Jingzhou County. In recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce and big data technology, the Yangmei industry in Jingzhou has encountered new opportunities. The rise of e-commerce platforms has not only broadened the sales channels for Yangmei, allowing products to quickly reach markets both nationwide and globally but has also enhanced sales efficiency. Meanwhile, big data technology provides in-depth analysis of market trends and consumer behavior, offering precise production and sales guidance for the Yangmei industry. Under the framework of the rural revitalization strategy, the Yangmei industry in Jingzhou, as a pillar industry of the local economy, plays a significant role in promoting rural economic development and increasing farmers’ income through its transformation and upgrading. Studying the development path of the Yangmei industry amidst the integration of big data and e-commerce will help promote industrial upgrading, enhance the quality and market competitiveness of Yangmei, further expand its market, augment brand value, and inject strong momentum into rural revitalization.