在全球经济与文化不断融合的背景下,艺术市场作为文化交流与财富管理的重要领域,正经历深刻的变革。近年来,中国艺术市场展现出蓬勃发展的态势,吸引了众多投资者与收藏家。数字化技术与电子商务的快速发展,为传统艺术市场带来了巨大的机遇与挑战。大数据、人工智能、区块链等新兴技术的应用,不仅提高了艺术品的价值评估与交易效率,也推动了市场透明度的提升。在疫情推动下,线上展览与虚拟拍卖迅速普及,电子商务平台逐渐成为艺术品交易的重要途径。然而,数字化与电子商务在赋能艺术市场的同时,也引发了如真伪鉴定、版权保护、交易安全性等新问题。本文探讨了数字化赋能中国艺术市场的特征、机遇与挑战,并分析了未来可能的发展趋势,如NFT市场的持续增长、艺术品消费的多元化、社交电商的崛起、以及传统市场的数字化转型与融合,为艺术市场的可持续发展提供了理论支持与实践参考。In the context of the continuous integration of global economy and culture, the art market, as an important field of cultural exchange and wealth management, is undergoing profound changes. In recent years, China’s art market has shown a booming trend, attracting many investors and collectors. The rapid development of digital technology and e-commerce has brought great opportunities and challenges to the traditional art market. The application of emerging technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain has not only improved the value assessment and transaction efficiency of artworks, but also promoted the improvement of market transparency. Driven by the epidemic, online exhibitions and virtual auctions have become rapidly popular, and e-commerce platforms have gradually become an important way of art trading. However, digitalization and e-commerce, while empowering the art market, have also raised new issues such as authenticity verification, copyright protection, and transaction security. This paper discusses the characteristics, opportunities and challenges of the Chinese art market enabled by digitalization, and analyzes the possible future development trends, such as the continuous growth of the NFT market, the diversification of art consumption, the rise of social e-commerce, and the digital transformation and integration of traditional markets, providing theoretical support and practical reference for the sustainable development of the art market.